Subject Offered

First LanguageTelugu / Hindi
Second LanguageHindi / Telugu
Third LanguageEnglish
Subjects OfferedMaths, Physics, Biology, Social Studies
Special SubjectsComputer Science / Moral Science / Catechism
Special InstructionMoral instruction for all, Religious instruction for Christians
Physical TrainingRegular P.T. Classes

Remedial Classes

At Valerian, we not only teach the subjects but also ensure that the students complete their due academic learning of the day before they go home. Since academic excellence has become indispensable in this competitive age, we hold two hours of remedial classes daily. During these classes the students, under the able guidance of teachers, are made to complete their homeworks and learn the portion taught on that day in the school itself. The weak students are given special attention to pick up in studies and special revision is done for VII and X class students.