

At Pre-Primary level, we give utmost importance to the interaction between the teacher and the child. Attention is paid to the interaction between the child and the surroundings inside and outside the classroom. Such interaction exposes the child to language, expression, creativity, physical and aesthetic skills etc. The children experience and enjoy the fun of learning.

Primary School

The constructive and innovative learning process, coupled with necessary guidance given to the children at this level, lays strong foundation to intellectual calibre and makes their learning interesting and joyful. This kind of learning process enables them to emerge as strong individuals with, integrity and character.

Middle School

The children are taught to have flexibility to change and adapt themselves to particular needs of the classroom learning. Reading, discussions, value-based education and team work are inculcated in them.

High School

The role of the teachers at this stage is to guide the child and show proper direction. Students are encouraged to achieve excellence. Frequently conducted tests / examinations help the child to prepare well for the finals. The strengths and weaknesses of the students are exposed positively in order to appreciate their strength and help them to overcome their weaknesses and thus motivate them to perform better.