
Imparting knowledge and instilling discipline for good behaviour are the twin goals of our institution. The school expects every student to be gentle or courteous and to obey its rules and regulations.

  • All students should be punctual. They are expected to be in the school before the first bell at 08:20a.m. The school gates will be closed at 08:25a.m.
  • Students who come late will not be admitted to the class without permission from the Principal. The late comers will be marked absent for half a day. Habitual late comers will be sent home.
  • Wearing full and clean uniform is compulsory for all. No excuses will be accepted for any missing part of it. They will be punished or sent home at the parent’s risk.
  • Children are not allowed to apply mehendi on the hands
  • Speaking in English is compulsory for all the students.
  • Running, playing, shouting and whistling inside the schol building are not allowed. They must walk quietly when passing along the corriders and staircases. Pupils are expected to take good care of their belonging. The children should not bring any valuable things to the school. When they lose, the school is not responsible for the loss of personal belongings such as books, money, ornaments etc…
  • Irregular attendance, unsatisfactory performance in studies, disobedience or disrespect to teachers, stealing, writing or scribbling on the walls, malpractice in property are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of a student from the school.
  • Pupils should keep their classrooms and school premises clean.
  • The school discourages private tutions. Home assignments are to be done regularly, carefully and submitted on time.
  • All damages to the school property, including stains must be attended to by the offender.